Live Mapping
This is the best way of mapping your vehicle. There simply is no better way if you are on aftermarket management. We will completely re-write your map, or just fine tune accordingly, depending on recent modification or perhaps you are not quite happy with what you have had done already, perhaps you have a slight hesitation at 60mph in 5th for instance. We can get to the bottom of it for you.
We have one of the best set-ups in the country, also the experience and skills to live map your car here in Somerset, in our Dyno-Cell (Rolling Road).
Our Dyno-Cell can handle all types of vehicles. Please see our specific page for the details on our rolling road in depth.
We have many years experience in mapping most kinds of aftermarket ECU. We predominantly tune on MaxxECU more recently. If you’ve got an ECU you are unsure about, please pop us an E-Mail, or give me a call.
Most professional quality ECUs can be mapped here.
Give me a call for any of your requirements. We can no doubt help you. I love an interesting project. If I can help, I will.