406 with DPF issues. This turned out to be a mixture of a couple of broken down sensors misreading. We replaced the sensors, and the vehicle is away again. Often DPF problems are just sensor issues. It’s not always the filter that is blocked.

406 with DPF issues. This turned out to be a mixture of a couple of broken down sensors misreading. We replaced the sensors, and the vehicle is away again. Often DPF problems are just sensor issues. It's not always the filter that is blocked.

Nothing some decent diagnostic gear and a Picoscope couldn't sort out! 🙂

406 with DPF issues. This turned out to be a mixture of a couple of broken down sensors misreading. We replaced the sensors, and the vehicle is away again. Often DPF problems are just sensor issues. It's not always the filter that is blocked.

406 with DPF issues. This turned out to be a mixture of a couple of broken down sensors misreading. We replaced the sensors, and the vehicle is away again. Often DPF problems are just sensor issues. It's not always the filter that is blocked.

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